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What you'll get in Part 1

"10 minute Wins"

  • Membership to our Online School - "Naughty Squirrel Academy" to access anything you get from us.

  • 12 - 10-minute wins

  • 6 - 5 minute wins

  • 10 - 1 minute wins

  • A Digital Download of all 3 lists

  • Invitation to our private VIP group for accountability and celebration.

  • Our endless appreciation!

10 min wins is designed to help you get out of a stuck pattern or unhelpful cycle and start making changes.

Humans don't like changing, but we do like winning!

We invite you to share your wins so you can feel accomplished, no matter the size of the win.


The more wins you have, and share and are celebrated for, the more you'll feel like winning again.


What you'll get in Part 2

"The Rabbit Hole Remedy"

  • Awareness of how many things are nagging at you.

  • The ability to narrow down your tasks and prioritize.

  • Check your resources and time available.

  • Make a tangible plan to complete the task.

  • Follow through and get it done.

  • Celebrate your wins with us!

The Rabbit Hole Remedy is a walk through process to help you become aware of how much you overwhelm yourself, and stop doing it so you can finish stuff.

Have you ever had so much to do, and been overwhelmed so you derail entirely, and do nothing?

You're not alone.

There's nothing difficult about this other than staying focused. We're here if you need support!


What you'll get in Part 3

"The No Regrets Reboot"

  • A wake up call about how your life is going so far.

  • An opportunity to check in with what you want to experience before you die.

  • Space to let go of stuff that isn't really helping you in your life.

  • The same community support and inspiration keeps going!

  • A PDF download so you can repeat or share the process.

It's not too late, you're not too old, or far along in life. Wherever you are on your journey, you can change.


Why aren't you living the life you want and what's holding you back?


It's your time now. What is that thing you've always wanted to do?

The No Regrets Reboot will give you clarity and purpose to actually EXPERIENCE life while you're alive.

Lost your lust for life?
Ready to get back on track?
Get back to basics:
  • Get a WIN. FAST!
  • Prioritize and complete what you start.
  • Remember what you want, and get it. 


“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

― Ferris Bueller, 'Ferris Bueller's Day Off'

Gen X Reboot gets you back on track, with a plan, and confidence. Like rebooting your computer, but more fun.

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